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Diabetes and Quality measures

Mar 16, 2023
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When you have diabetes, there are a lot of things that we need to keep track of. These are called quality measures.

Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects millions of people worldwide. The management of diabetes involves regular monitoring of blood glucose levels, lifestyle modifications, and medication adherence. Quality measures in diabetes are important tools for healthcare providers and patients to assess the quality of care and to improve outcomes. In this blog post, we will explore what quality measures are, why they are important in diabetes management, and some examples of quality measures in diabetes.

What are quality measures in diabetes?

Quality measures are standards or indicators used to measure the quality of care provided to patients with diabetes. They are used to assess the performance of healthcare providers and to identify areas for improvement. Quality measures are evidence-based and reflect best practices in diabetes management. They are designed to help healthcare providers deliver high-quality care and improve patient outcomes.

Why are quality measures important in diabetes management?

Quality measures are important in diabetes management for several reasons:

  1. Assessing the quality of care: Quality measures are used to assess the quality of care provided to patients with diabetes. They provide a framework for healthcare providers to evaluate their performance and identify areas for improvement.

  2. Improving patient outcomes: Quality measures are designed to promote best practices in diabetes management, which can improve patient outcomes. By using quality measures, healthcare providers can identify patients who are not meeting treatment goals and take steps to improve their care.

  3. Encouraging adherence to guidelines: Quality measures are based on evidence-based guidelines for diabetes management. By using quality measures, healthcare providers are encouraged to adhere to these guidelines, which can improve patient outcomes.

Examples of quality measures in diabetes

There are numerous quality measures in diabetes management. Here are some examples:

  1. HbA1c testing: HbA1c testing is a measure of long-term glucose control. It is recommended that patients with diabetes receive HbA1c testing at least twice a year. Healthcare providers can use this measure to assess whether patients are meeting their glucose control goals.

  2. Blood pressure control: Blood pressure control is an important aspect of diabetes management. It is recommended that patients with diabetes have a blood pressure goal of less than 140/90 mmHg. Healthcare providers can use this measure to assess whether patients are meeting their blood pressure control goals.

  3. Lipid control: Lipid control is also an important aspect of diabetes management. Patients with diabetes are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, so it is important to manage lipid levels. Healthcare providers can use this measure to assess whether patients are meeting their lipid control goals.

  4. Foot exams: Foot exams are an important part of diabetes management, as patients with diabetes are at increased risk of foot complications. It is recommended that patients with diabetes receive a foot exam at least once a year. Healthcare providers can use this measure to assess whether patients are receiving appropriate foot care.

  5. Eye exams: Eye exams are also important for patients with diabetes, as they are at increased risk of eye complications. It is recommended that patients with diabetes receive an eye exam at least once a year. Healthcare providers can use this measure to assess whether patients are receiving appropriate eye care.

  6. Self-management education: Self-management education is an important aspect of diabetes management. It is recommended that patients with diabetes receive self-management education at the time of diagnosis and periodically thereafter. Healthcare providers can use this measure to assess whether patients are receiving appropriate self-management education.

  7. Medication adherence: Medication adherence is critical for achieving glucose control and preventing complications. Healthcare providers can use this measure to assess whether patients are taking their medications as prescribed.


Quality measures in diabetes are important tools for assessing the quality of care provided to patients with diabetes. They are evidence-based and reflect best practices in diabetes management. Healthcare providers can use quality measures to identify areas for improvement and to promote best practices in diabetes management.